Green Momo Recipe | maggi momo recipe step by step | How to make Green Momo Recipe

 Green Momo Recipe | maggi momo recipe step by step

Green Momo Recipe
 Green Momo Recipe 
how to make green momos

You all must have eaten momos but today we try something new which is healthy and attractive too…

So you we'll make green momo and that we will put Maggi inside it. Children like Maggi considerably , so as that they will eat it too. So let's start making instant green momos.


  • Spinach - 100 grams
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Oil - 1/2 tsp
  • Noodles - 1 packet
  • Cabbage Grateful chopped - 1/2 cup
  • Paneer (cottage cheese) - 1 piece
  • Black pepper powder (freshly ground black pepper) - 1

Method of making |

  • First of all wash the spinach thoroughly.
  • then put some water within the juice extractor machine and grind it and filter it.
  • Then add flour, salt and oil thereto and knead it. then leave it covered

1 To make Maggi :-

  •  then , after turning on the gas, heat 1 cup of water during a pan and add Maggi and Maggi masala thereto .
  • Then cook for 3 minutes and take it out in a bowl. leave to relax 
  •  then , mix cabbage, paneer and black pepper powder in another bowl, then add Maggi thereto and blend it well.
  • Then make the kneaded dough into a ball.
  •  then , roll the dough and cut it into rounds with alittle bowl.
  • Then fill Maggi in it.
  •  then close it with a pinch.
  •  within the identical way, fill the Maggi altogether the momos and shut it.
  • Then heat water during a cooker and keep a plate with momos.
  •  then cover it and leave it for 6-8 minutes. to steam
  • After the time is up, take it out.

And our green Maggi momo is ready .

This momo is tasty to eat and healthy too… Children also will eat it with great fervor because you've got put Maggi in it and spinach is making it nutritious. So you eat and feed your people too, see you soon with a replacement recipe

Mor Recipe

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